Persuasive Professional Technical Volume I Issue 30

Persuasive Professional Technical
Presentations That Sell

How To Communicate Human To Human


What more do you have to offer?

Do they want to buy, is it time for a trial close
or should you use more smartly designed nondirectional probes to determine
healthy skepticism?

What is the next step?

Will they want you back?

As a fiduciary have you gained their trust?

In the philosophy of The Hegelian Dialectic
a method in which the contradiction of the thesis,
proposition of a reasoned argument
on the theme connected with specificity.

Plus, the antithesis, a direct opposite leads to
a higher understanding of truth through synthesis
a method of demonstration consisting of reasoning from self-evident propositions, laws and principals to arrive at a series of deductions
to establish an assembled whole.



Ethos The spirit of a people expressed in the culture its institutional ways of thought, philosophy.

Logos Reason regarded as the the controlling principle of the universe

Pathos Quality in an expressive narrative which arouses profound feelings of compassion or sorrow

Based on this framework for your presentation
is this leading to a favorable conclusion?

Jeffrey (dew cane) Duquesne, CPC
Certified Professional Consultant
Enterprise Growth Expert
works with executives to
Grow Revenue 7 Fold In 7 Years
even if pressured by short-term shareholders
Office Hours Monday 8PM EST
Webinar 917-1089-6727 Passcode 165810Attendee