Persuasive Professional Technical
Presentations That Sell
Three Secrets To Communicate
Human To Human
In order to communicate human to human
you need to include Three (3) elements in your presentation: Sympathy, Empathy, Reason.
To begin with, Sympathy, as a mutual sharing
of emotion in considering the feelings of others. Similarly, Empathy, the power to enter into emotional harmony deriving satisfaction
for you and your audience.
Likewise, Reason to think logically in order
to understand, be understood, drawing inferences to find the correct course of action based
on analysis to persuade through verifiable facts, figures, explanation.
Hence, these Three elements: Sympathy, Empathy, Reason should be present in your presentation
in order to communicate human to human.
Fifth-teen (15) books for your consideration:
An Autobiography
The story of my experiments with truth
With a foreword by Sissela Bok 1993
The only authorized American Edition
Where Do We Go From Here:
Chaos or Community
The promise of a person oriented society
The Miracle of Mindfulness:
An introduction to the practice of meditation
Thich Nhat Hanh 1975
A lotus flower grows in mud
“Thus we are sucked into the future and
we are incapable of actually living one minute of life”
A proponent of engaged buddhism Thich Nhat Hanh originally wrote The Miracle Of Mindfulness for young buddhists nuns and priest living during the conflict in his native Vietnam, as a manual of practice to develop and control both the gentle and fierce bodhisattva of their soul in the midst of conflict. A person who is on their path to awaking.
Long Walk To Freedom
The benefits of human rights
Bad Money:
Reckless Finance, Failed Politics and
The Global Crisis of American Capitalism
Kevin Phillips 2008
The lasting effects of the “erring majority”
Employees First Customers Second Management Third
Turning Conventional management upside down
Vineet Nayar 2010
How to grow by transforming the fortune
at the bottom of the pyramid
We Are Market Basket
The story of the unlikely grassroots movement
that saved a beloved business
Daniel Korschun and Grant Welker 2015
Yes, ‘It’s a wonderful life’s’ George Bailey does exist
Delivering Happiness
A path to profit passion and purpose
Tony Hseih 2013
Unprecedented growth by employing the science
of happiness through Maslow’s hierarchy
The Empowered University
Shared Leadership Culture Change
Academic Success
Freeman A. Hrabowski III 2019
Creativity, Inc.
Overcoming the unseen forces
that stand in the way of true inspiration
Ed Catmull 2023
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephan Covey 1989
The significant problems we face CANNOT be solved with the same level of understanding
we were when they were first created.
Thinking Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahenman 2011
How and when to consider heuristic
short cuts in your life and their consequences
Therefore, in conclusion, consider sympathy, empathy, reason in your presentation in order
to communicate human to human.
No One Would Listen
A true financial thriller
Harry Markopolos 2010
Weapons of MATH Destruction:
How big data increases inequality
and threatens Democracy
Cathey O’Neil 2017
My mission to protect what is
human in a world of machines
Joy Buolamwini 2023
“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels,
but have not love, I am only a resounding gong
or a changing cymbal”
I Corinthians 13:1
“Which is more valuable
The Amazon Rainforest or, Inc.?”
Mark Carney
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.
If we can not help others, Do not harness them
The highest form of greatness or leadership
is the genius or generosity of spirit
both the knowing how and
willingness to multiple the effectiveness of others
Jeffrey (Dew Cane) Duquesne, CPC
Certified Professional Consultant
Enterprise Growth Expert
Works with executives
to generate market leading alpha profits
even if pressured by short-term shareholders