ZAPPOS Overcoming the inefficiencies of unregulated markets. On page 49 of his book DELIVERING HAPPINESS A path to profits, passion and purpose Tony Hsieh mentions the $Trillion Dollar over leveraged collapse of the hedge fund Long Term Capital Management. After the success of selling the inexpensive online cooperative banner-advertising network for small business LinkExchange, Tony Hsieh aspired to make a difference and do something better in business, however, LTCM appeared. 1994-1998 in less than five years through private associations with some of the largest financial institutions in the world, Long Term Capital is alleged to have over leveraged $5Billion into $1Trillion based on computer generated quantitative mathematical models of derivatives having taken 65,000 different simultaneous long and short trading positions. Because “this time is different”, when the ‘Black Swans’ of 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, plus The 1998 Russian Oil Crisis emerged, Alan Greenspan of The United States Federal reserve intervened conducting a private liquidation of LTCM. On the other hand, due to the uncertainty developed, other markets froze when Tony Hsieh was looking for new venture capital funding. In other words, the inefficiencies of unregulated markets indirectly helped some to think both fast and slow in developing sustainable 21st century business growth models improving bottom-up operational excellence during turbulent financial times. Responding to a proposal for shoes-online because the shoe industry was a $50Billion industry of which 4% of $2Billion was sold through paper mail-order catalogs Tony Hsieh sought new venture capital. In MOTIVATION AND PERSONALITY and TOWARD A PSYCHOLOGY OF BEING the founder of Humanistic Psychology Abraham Maslow first writes of considering constructive holistic positive qualities of human beings in expressing aspirations through a Hierarchy of Needs: ο Physiological ο Safety ο Belonging ο Esteem ο Self Actualization Similarly, in PEAK How great companies get their mojo from Maslow Chip Conley illustrates how addressing stakeholder-servant groups of employees, customers, investors can be implemented to simultaneously grow an enterprise long-term in a changing volatile economy. Considering these and other ways in growing a successful 21st century Enterprise Tony Hsieh added this to his business implementation process. Your culture drives your growth. Zappos discovered that humility is one of their top ten values. 1) Our delivering ‘Wow’ through service 2) Our embracing and driving change 3) Our creating fun and a little weirdness 4) Our being creative and open-minded 5) Our pursuing growth and learning 6) Our building open and honest relationships through communication 7) Our building a positive team with a family 8) Our doing more with less 9) Our being determined and passionate 10) Our being humble In order to grow, Zappos concentrated on building their internal culture, based on their values. Creating a better ‘how’ leading to a more profitable ‘what’. Conducting a cultural transformation while waiting for cooler external financial heads to emerge. Tony Hsieh joined the Zappos’ team. Zappos applying the ‘science of happiness through Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy’; Zappos went from zero to $1Billion in sales, two years ahead of schedule; joining the independently compiled Fortune Magazine list of “100 Best Companies To Work”. Are You Turning Your People Into Client MAGNETS?